Quiz: Are you Peter Vicar ?

We would like to conclude our Peter Vicar month with this quiz, dear readers, giving you a chance to see how you measure up against this pillar of greatness and how close you are to being a “Doom Metal Icon”… To find out the truth, simply answer those questions:

Your band has split up. You form a new band, with a different line-up, a different singer and a different chief songwriter. There could be benefits, however, if you explicitly introduce the new band as “the natural continuation” of the former. Would you?

a. Nah

b. Sure thing! Are you kidding?


Because of a mistake of your own label, the CD version of your new album is faulty. Do you…

a. Own up to it, directly let everyone know about it, and ask if they still want to receive the CD or would prefer a refund?

b. Send out the faulty CDs anyway and say “there’s aboslutely nothing that can be done”?


An impressionable, well-meaning but pea-brained hack has just written an article on you, full of inaccuracies, especially with regards to your past, status and accomplishments. Those inaccuracies, however, present you in a more favourable light. Do you…

a. Contact the journalist immediately, and offer the necessary corrections?

b. Post a link to the inaccurate article on all social networking sites you can, without mentioning anything, either to the writer or the readers?


Someone you’ve never met has been lying both to you and your fans, so she can steal their money. Who do you side with, and actively protect, in every way you can?

a. Your fans.

b. The liar.


The Results:

exclusively “a”s: sorries, mate, it seems like you are an honest person, with common sense, responsibilty and a spine. You could never possibly be Peter Vicar.

exclusively “b”s: Congratulations! You ARE Peter Vicar!

Quiz: Are you Peter Vicar ?

4 thoughts on “Quiz: Are you Peter Vicar ?

  1. AM says:

    I have spoken to Peter twice, over the merch table at gigs… both times he was only interested in selling me something. the first time I fell for it, me being kind and all. the sceond time I left and vowed never to return. disgusting person!


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